Santa Teresa Demographics

The Santa Teresa area in San Jose, CA, includes all of  San Jose Zip Code 95119 and  half of 95123 but also spills over 3 other San Jose Zip codes: 95120 (Almaden Valley area), 95138 (Silver Leaf) as well as 95139 (Los Paseos).

Most of the core neighborhoods of Santa Teresa are located in the San Jose  Zip codes 95119, 95123 and 95139 and include in particular Oakridge, La Colina, Glider, Walnut Blossom, Burning Tree, Martinvale/Vinyard and Los Paseos. A complete list of all neighborhoods in  Santa Teresa by Zip Code is available below.

Based on the latest Census Bureau data available for 95123, total population in Santa Teresa is estimated at about 63,000 split between 20,800 households. The estimated median household income is about $86,291 and average household size is 2.9 persons. Over 75% of houses of Almaden Valley were built in the 1960s and 1970s. Only 7 % of the houses date back to the 1990s.

Here is some useful information about some of the key neighborhoods of Santa Teresa:

Oakridge is the area situated above Santa Teresa Boulevard , bordered West by Lean Ave. and Cottle Ave. on the East side. Oakridge has an area of 0.37 square miles and a population of about 2,150. The majority of homes  for sale (and owned) in this Santa Teresa area are 4BR houses built in the 1960s, outside of  the recent Palm Valley Apartment Community built up over the last decade.

La Colina is located between Lean Ave. and Cottle Road (once famous for the IBM Research Facility  which closed down a few years ago). Average household size is 3.2. La Colina has an area of 0.86 square miles with a population of 5,797. 3-4BR homes, mostly built in the 1970s, account for a significant proportion of the houses occupied in this Santa Teresa area. La Colina enjoys in particular a 25.5 acres park off Los Pinos Way with great hilltop views of the Santa Teresa Hills.

Glider is the Santa Teresa area  which spread South of Santa Teresa Boulevard, East of Snell Avenue, all the way to the Santa Teresa Hills and Canoas Creek. It has an area of 0.4 square miles and an estimated population of  1,841. Homes in Glider are 3-4BR houses, for the most part built in the 1960s.

Walnut Blossom is the smallest area in the Santa Teresa neighborhood (0.1 sq. miles) and is located North West of Lean Ave. above Blossom Hill Rd.. Houses for sale in Walnut Blossom have on average 3BR, built mostly during the 1970s.

Burning Tree is adjacent to the Santa Teresa Golf Club and is the closest area tot the Santa Teresa County Park. It has an area of 0.12 square miles and a population of  853.  The majority of the house  in this area were built in the 1970s and  are 3BR homes. This Santa Teresa neighborhood is also ideally located  close to a large shopping area off Bernal Road (Santa Teresa Village Shopping Center) and the crossing of Highway 85 and 101, which makes it easy to commute.

Martinvale/Vinyard is the area adjacent to Burning Tree on the West side. It has an area of 0.2 square miles with an estimated population of 1,600. Similar to Burning Tree, most of the houses in this area  (3BR) were built in the 1970s. Bernal Intermediate School is located in this Santa Teresa neighborhood.

Los Paseos is the most southeastern neighborhood of Santa Teresa. It is bordered by  California State Route 82 on the North side and Santa Teresa Blvd. on the South side.  This area is 0.7 square miles and has a population estimated at 4,400. The 10.8 acres Los Paseos Park (with lighted tennis courts) and Murphy Middle School are located in this neighborhood of Santa Teresa.

Santa Teresa Neighborhoods by San Jose Zip Code


Glider, Oakridge, La Colina, Guadalupe Oak Grove, Rancho Santa Teresa, West Santa Teresa Foothills, Walnut Blossom, Sunspring


Burning Tree


California Maison, Silver Leaf


Chantillery, Los Paseos, Avenid Espana

Source: US Census Bureau, City Data